As parents to three kids under the age of three, owner Lisa Bowen (and her husband Tim) found themselves inviting friends over to let the all kids play while the adults enjoyed great food and sampled new wines. In this, she found her inspiration to open Village Wines as a wine club, retail shop and simply to give the community a place “where friends gather.”
Four years later, in 2010, the Woodinville wine industry was booming and Lisa and Tim decided to update and expand Village Wines. She moved Village Wines into its current location in the heart of Woodinville’s wine country and is proud to offer over 50 wines, local beers on tap, a popular private event space and a delicious menu.
And now, those little babies of Lisa and Tim’s are teenagers! And while keeping up with their sports, school and other activities (including their jobs at Village Wines!) is almost a full-time job in itself, Lisa is at Village Wines most days and proudly serving customers alongside her fantastic staff.